FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011

Floor Speech

Date: March 31, 2011
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation


Mrs. NOEM. I thank the gentleman for yielding.

Madam Chair, we have spent the last 3 months debating the need to get spending under control, and it's a good thing. That's why my constituents sent me here, and that's what I plan to continue to do.

But we also need to remember that we need to look to get spending under control and help our economy and create jobs. A large part of that is providing certainty for the American people, and like many of my colleagues, I represent the rural parts of America. Many of them are concerned with the uncertainty that removing this program, Essential Air Service, too quickly would bring. Many of the communities in rural America, including those in South Dakota, that rely on this program use it as an economic development tool. They understand that they won't be using EAS forever.

But I'm concerned, Madam Chair, that we may not be providing them with the time that they need to plan under this bill. This issue deserves additional consideration. I hope that as we move forward with conference conversations with our Senate colleagues that this is given much more careful consideration, and I look forward to working on it with them.

