Blackburn Energy Priority Clears House

Press Release

Date: April 7, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

The House, by a vote of 255 - 172, passed H.R. 910 a bill to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating many "greenhouse gasses" through the Clean Air Act. Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) is a leading voice in the movement to restrain the EPA; one of the country's most hyper-regulatory agencies. Proposed EPA regulation of carbon dioxide and other gasses would have a disasterous impact on the economy in Tennessee and across America. Greenhouse gas regulations could cost as many as 80,000 jobs and $12.2 billion in Tennesse's gross state product by 2030.

In an effort to protect jobs creation and the family pocketbook in Tennessee, Congressman Blackburn filed H.R. 391 in the last congress and H.R. 97 in the current congress. Both bills would restrict the EPA's regulation. Provisions from both were included in the legislation that passed today. Speaking about the bill Congressman Blackburn said:

"After the Supreme Court gave the EPA permission to regulate greenhouse gases in 2007, I immediately introduced a bill to stop EPA from moving forward on these regulations. Unfortunately, former Speaker Pelosi and her Democrat-led Congress did not act, and the EPA has now issued a final rule, with many more on the way. If we do not reverse these regulations, American consumers will soon face higher energy costs, jobs will be lost, and our economy will suffer. I am grateful to Chairman Upton for crafting legislation, which includes some of the provisions in my bill, to stop this EPA power grab and revert authority back to where it belongs: Congress."
