A Message from David


This week, gas prices continued to skyrocket. Many of us saw gas at over $4 a gallon when we filled up our tanks. Under this Administration, the price of gas has increased 100%. When President Obama took office, the national average was $1.79. Now, it is $4.14.

Just yesterday, I voted for H.R. 1230, a measure that overturns the Administration's blocking of oil and natural gas lease sales. This bill will restart American offshore leasing and expand American energy production, create jobs, and generate revenue for taxpayers. Though the Administration has failed to take action to lower oil prices, House Republicans are working towards an all-of-the-above strategy that incorporates the use of all of America's vast natural resources and cuts our dependence on foreign oil.

A sign that I know we are moving in the right direction? After the House passed our energy solutions bill yesterday, oil dropped $100 a barrel.

There are other positive signs coming out of the House of Representatives this week. On Wednesday, my Republican colleagues and I approved H.R. 3, a bill that prohibits the use of taxpayer money for the funding of abortions. In a still struggling economy, when our top priority should be creating jobs and paying down our debt, taxpayers need not be asked to open their checkbooks for such a controversial cause. Especially if that cause is taking the life of an innocent unborn child.

This week we also dealt several more blows to ObamaCare. Tuesday and Wednesday, the House repealed two ObamaCare provisions that permitted the Administration to tap an unlimited amount of money from the U.S. Treasury, without accountability, to set up state-based exchanges and build additional hospital-like facilities inside of public schools. By ending both of these spending projects, we will save the taxpayer billions of dollars.

Next week, I look forward to continuing to address legislation that puts Americans back to work, increases American energy production, and addresses rising gasoline prices. The House will consider another bill next week that would end, once and for all, the Obama Administration's de facto moratorium of American resources in a safe, responsible, and transparent manner.

Finally, as many of you have seen on my Twitter and Facebook accounts, Charlie Schweikert, my wheaten terrier came to Washington, D.C. He is staying with our team for a couple of weeks to keep his dad company and learn how our federal government works. He's been quite a hit with other lawmakers and their staffs.

As always, I enjoy hearing from you. I loved seeing all of those who came out to my several townhalls over the past couple of weeks. Please do not hesitate to contact my team if there is anything I can help you with. It is a pleasure working for you.


David Schweikert
Member of Congress
