Rep. Becerra: The Hits Keep on Coming for the Future of our Country


Date: May 4, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Today the House of Representatives voted to pass legislation (H.R. 1214 ) that would deny funding for school-based health center construction. Representative Xavier Becerra (CA-31), Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and Ranking Member of the Social Security Subcommittee, voted against the measure and released the following statement:

"The hits keep on coming for the future of our country. After voting to end Medicare as we know it, Congressional Republicans have been defending their privatization plan by claiming it would only ration benefits and increase costs for the next generation. Today the House majority doubled down on its NoCare for Kids agenda, voting to eliminate funding for school-based health centers.

Instead of creating a better future our children, where health care is accessible and affordable, Congressional Republicans are recklessly cutting effective services and gutting Medicare. Our kids and our country deserve better than this."
