Rep. Becerra on Republicans' Plan to "Delete" Funding for Medical Education


Date: May 25, 2011
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Education

Today the House of Representatives voted to pass legislation (H.R. 1216) that would undermine training for primary care physicians. Representative Xavier Becerra (CA-31), Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and Ranking Member of the Social Security Subcommittee, voted against the bill and released the following statement:

"The American people have grown tired of an agenda that ignores America's priorities. After five months of a jobless agenda, votes to end Medicare as we know it and to make permanent tax cuts for the rich, today House Republicans passed legislation to 'delete' programs that train the next generation of medical leaders--rationing Americans' access to family doctors.

The shortsighted agenda of this Congress forcing the middle class, our seniors and children to pay for deficits caused by massive Bush tax cuts to the rich and two unpaid for wars is simply wrong for our nation. We've reduced the deficits before and we can do it again if we focus on America's priorities: creating millions of good paying jobs and strengthening the middle class."
