Landry Statement on May Jobs Report


Date: June 3, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Jeff Landry (R, LA-03) issued the following statement regarding the May unemployment report:

"While the President and Democrats play political games with the American people -- our families, friends, and neighbors continue to lose their jobs. We have over 9% unemployment and the lowest job creation in 8 months because the President has a disastrous energy policy. The President and congressional Democrats fail to understand that American businesses are being forced to absorb rising energy costs rather than expanding and creating jobs. The American people are tired of the pain at the pump. Our economy can't deal with Washington's wasteful spending and uncertainty. And small businesses can't afford the Democrats' tax increases. If we are ever to see economic recovery and job creation, the President must follow the will of the American people and join House Republicans to reduce the debt, remove unnecessary regulations, and enact a robust domestic energy policy."
