The Winston County Journal - Reeves Talks Lt. Gov. Post to Local Supporters

News Article

Date: July 14, 2011
Issues: Elections

A Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, State Treasurer Tate Reeves, told a group of local citizens on Wednesday, July 6 that he decided to run for Lt. Governor to make a better state.

Reeves pointed to the creation of jobs, education issues and public safety, as the most important issues facing the state.

Reeves noted that Mississippi is doing a lot better at managing its way through the current business slump than other states but the state needed continued fiscal conservative leadership to move forward. Reeves outlined how his experience as state treasurer proved his financial capabilities to help lead the state. Reeves added he would be a "watchdog for taxpayers" if elected.

Reeves is running against veteran State Sen. Billy Hewes (R-Gulfport), who represents District 49. Hewes is a Gulfport insuranceman, Pro Tempore of the Senate (second in command), and is in his fifth Senate term.

Current Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant is running for governor, not seeking re-election to the post

With only 20 days to the Aug. 2 first primary, Reeves and Hewes are going head to head campaigning since no democrat challenger will be in the November election and the winner of the Republican Primary will most likely be the next Lt. Governor.

Reeves was first elected State Treasurer in 2003 and re-elected in 2007. The State Treasurer is the state's chief financial officer.

Prior to seeking public office, he worked 10 years in the private finance sector after graduating from Millsaps.

 Reeves along with his wife and two children live in Flowood.
