Poverty Rate in America


Date: Sept. 16, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

On Tuesday, September 13, 2011, the Census Bureau released a report on poverty in America. The report highlights the dire situation our country faces in this recession. The number of Americans in poverty, a level designated by the absurdly low standard of an income of $22,314 or less for a family of four, grew to 46.2 million Americans, or one out of six Americans. This report also illistrates that while the poorest Americans continue to suffer, the wealthiest among us remain relatively unscathed. Republicans in Congress are determined to cut funding for vital social safety-net programs, such as Social Security. Instead of asking the poor to make do with even less, we need to work to create the kind of jobs which allow people to pay their bills. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get Americans back to work, and fight the status quo for a class of Americans who live in poverty.
