MSNBC "The Ed Show" - Transcript



Senator, good to have you with us tonight. This is undoubtedly the first big move by the Justice Department since a number of states have passed some laws which many people are interpreting to be voter

Will the voter ID laws and other states be overturned? Is this a tip of the iceberg? How do you view this tonight, Senator?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I), VERMONT: Well, I think what the attorney general did in South Carolina is important. It is a first step. He has got to go further. The president has got to start speaking out on this

You know, if anybody is involved in voter fraud, Ed, that`s a serious problem. The good news is that we don`t have much voter fraud in America. What many of these right-wing governors are doing is really clear. They`re trying to disenfranchise low income people, senior citizens, making it harder for them to cast a ballot.

And to me, that is not only an outrage, it`s something they should be profoundly ashamed of. We all win elections and sometimes we lose elections. But if you don`t have the guts to let people participate fully
in the democratic process, you should get another line of work.

I will also add that many of the same Republicans think Citizens United is a great idea. Corporations are people. But if you`re a low income person in South Carolina, I guess you can`t participate in the
political process.

SCHULTZ: And, Senator, I have to ask you, what kind of progress is being made on your amendment in dealing with Citizens United?

SANDERS: Well, we at this point, over 105,000 signers of the petition. We`re going to beginning to work right here in my home city of Burlington, Vermont. A resolution was passed asking Congress to go forward
for a constitutional amendment on overturning Citizens United.

I think you`re going to see that grassroots effort all over the country, Ed.

SANDERS: I hope so. Let`s talk now about the payroll tax cut. I know you`re not a big fan of it. Of course, the unemployment benefit extensions.

President Obama set the agenda for this fight in September, way back when. Here it is.


OBAMA: I know some of you have sworn oaths to never raise any taxes on anyone for as long as you live. Now is not the time to carve out an exception and raise middle class taxes, which is why you should pass this bill right away.


SCHULTZ: Senator, are you happy the way this played out? And what can we expect in the next -- in the coming months?

SANDERS: Well, clearly, in the middle of the term, the middle class does need tax relief. I support that. It should be funded progressively by asking the wealthiest people in this country to pay more in taxes.

As you know, I have a problem with cutting the payroll tax substantially because that is money directed into the Social Security Trust Fund and I worry very much about the future of Social Security.

Having said that, Ed, it appears that the Republicans finally are now on the defensive. The Democrats have got to raise the ante. They`ve got to go back and I intend to play an active role in that and say jobs is what
we have got to talk about, millions of jobs.

We have to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. We have to transform our energy system. We`ve got to rethink our disastrous trade policy.

But what we have to do is tell the American people, we are on the side of working families who are desperately hurting right now in this recession, almost 25 million unemployed or underemployed. And we`re going to take on the big money interests and the corporate interests for much more concerned about their profits than the well-being of our country.

SCHULTZ: And, finally, Senator, I have to ask you, the Democrats have had a hard time in the last three years drawing a line in the sand. What lessons were learned through all of this? And has the mentality of the
caucus changed somewhat that now the game has changed and it`s time to be

I said all along, if the Democrats stand with workers at the Democrats stand with middle class families, you can`t lose. You get that power back in the House.

SANDERS: You`re exactly right, Ed.

Let`s hope -- let`s hope that momentum has shifted. In the last three or four negotiations, Republicans have won. This time, the Democrats have won. And the Democrats do need to draw a line in the sand. That line is we are not going to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.


SANDERS: We are going wealthiest to pay their fair share of taxes. We are going to create the millions of jobs the economy desperately needs. If Republicans say no, let the American people make their decision about whether or not they want to support Republicans.

SCHULTZ: Senator Sanders, you are a tireless worker. I hope you have a good holiday weekend. And appreciate all you have done this year fighting for the working families of this country.

You`re one of my favorites, no question about it. I admire you. You speak up. You tell it like it s I appreciate working with you. I appreciate you being on the program tonight.

Thanks so much.

SANDER: Thank you.

