A Christmas Miracle for 160 Million Americans


Date: Dec. 22, 2011
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes

Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) made this statement today on the agreement to extend the payroll tax cut, unemployment benefits, and the Medicare physician fee fix for two months:

"In what seems like a Christmas miracle, House Republicans have ended their objection to the passage of a tax cut for 160 million middle class Americans. Delaying this tax break could have a devastating impact on families across the nation, and on our economic recovery. I'm hopeful that the House and Senate will act tomorrow to provide certainty and economic security to American families."

"I've heard from many people about how they spend their tax cut: from gas and groceries to medications and dental appointments. Most people rely on every single dollar in their budget. These Americans are working hard and playing by the rules. They want a fair shot at achieving the American dream. Congress should help them do so by ensuring a long term payroll tax cut, extension of unemployment insurance, and fix for Medicare payments."
