Issue Position: National Debt

Issue Position

The National Debt is the most pressing issue of our time. It is the one issue that will rob America of its prosperity. If we do not make the difficult decisions to cut the National Debt, then it will become our children and grandchildren's inheritance.

As Blount County's Probate Judge and County Commission Chairman, we made tough decisions and paid off all of Blount County's long-term debt. We accomplished this in these tough economic times when others Counties are facing major cutbacks and bankruptcy. In all of the elected positions in which I have served, we have always had a balanced budget.

It is essential that the National Debt be decreased or we will default. Cutting spending is difficult, and it requires difficult decisions to be made. But, these decisions must be made at some point. We must make these difficult decisions to cut spending now or else we will face harsh repercussions should the country default. One thing is certain, whether you are an individual, a business, or a government: We Can't Spend More Than We Take In!
