Attending Hutchinson Prayer Breakfast


Date: May 7, 2012
Issues: Religion

On Thursday, our nation observed the 61st annual National Day of Prayer - a day set aside to pray for our country and reflect on the importance of prayer. On that day, I joined the residents of Hutchinson at their annual prayer breakfast to pray for wisdom for our nation's leaders as we address the many challenges facing America. The community's focus on faith was an encouraging reminder of what is truly important in life -- faith, family and making a difference in our world, one soul at a time.

As a public official, Kansans often tell me they are praying for me. It's very humbling to know they remember me in their prayers and it's encouraging to know that so many Americans are praying for our country and its future. Thanks to the many leaders of the local faith-based community for their inspiring words of prayer and to my friend and breakfast emcee Tom Elliott for the kind invitation to attend. A special thank you to Robert Calhoun for his beautiful vocal solo and to Dorothy Mosier for organizing the event.
