Louisiana Shrimpers Win House Vote: Landry Amendment Removes Regulations


Date: May 10, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

The U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment offered by Congressman Jeff Landry (R, LA-03) that would prohibit funds appropriated in the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act from being used to require Turtle Excluder Devices (TED's) on skimmer or butterfly type fishing nets.

"As South Louisiana's representative, I know firsthand that Louisiana fishermen are some of the hardest-working people in the county; and I am proud to do all I can to support them," said Landry. "My amendment prohibits a costly and unneeded regulation from being forced upon shrimpers in the Gulf of Mexico. I am thankful the House of Representatives, in a strong bi-partisan manner, supported our shrimpers and passed my amendment. I hope the vote is a strong signal to NOAA that this TED regulation will hurt businesses."

"Through the hard work of Congressman Landry, Louisiana shrimpers could face one less hardship on our small businesses. For those of us who have struggled through disasters like hurricanes and the oil spill, we are grateful to have Congressman Landry fighting for us. Congressman Landry's legislation ensures these proposed, unnecessary regulations will not burden our working families and fishermen," said Clint Guidry, President of the Louisiana Shrimp Association.
