Issue Position: Job Creation & Economic Development

Issue Position

Leverage the Main Street Program: Illinois Main Street is an economic
development program that revitalizes historic and business districts. There are nearly 80 of these programs across the state but only one in the Southland. Napoleon would organize new Main Street Programs to preserve historic districts, like those in South Holland and Blue Island. This will attract tourism revenue and create jobs.

Extend the "Healthcare Jobs for Southland" Program: This program is designed to specifically train Southland residents for careers in healthcare. In 2010 the US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration funded this project with $4.9 million over the next three years to February 28, 2013. This program needs improvement. Napoleon would extend this program for three more years and restructure it so that Southland residents obtain healthcare jobs while providing more accessible healthcare to their neighbors.

College Technology Entrepreneur Centers (HB 1876/PA 97-0196): Througha new law that authorizes boards of trustees of each public university and community college in Illinois to create a technology entrepreneur center, Napoleon will develop entrepreneur centers to help entrepreneurs develop their concept to the point where it can become a business venture.
