Issue Position: Good Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Our best solutions come from the wisdom and energy of active public. That's why I support open, responsive government where representatives regularly look for feedback and input from voters. As your representative, I have worked hard to keep the residents of our area informed about the decisions being made in Montpelier. Through my weekly publication in the Journal Opinion called Notes from the Statehouse, voters can learn about policies being debated and about upcoming votes in the Vermont House of Representatives. I also print a Town Meeting Report and End of Session recaps so people can see what their Legislature is working on. Every week I talk with hundreds of people in our towns and welcome people to share their perspective. So if you see me at a ball game, in the grocery store, at the gas station or at school, please don't hesitate to ask that question or tell me what you think. I will continue to listen and learn.
