Issue Position: Jobs and Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Location: unknown

Ann Johnson is the independent leader we need
in Austin to keep our economy growing.

Texas' economy may be stronger than other economies in America, but a growing "education gap" threatens our economic future.

A new study by the Brookings Institution shows that the lack of an educated workforce is already creating problems. The study found that "advertised job openings in large metropolitan areas require more education than all existing jobs, and more education than the average adult has attained" -- and that Houston's "education gap" is the tenth worst of 100 large metropolitan areas in the nation.

Ann Johnson knows good schools are the key to good jobs.

Companies won't relocate here if they can't find skilled labor and our best students won't stay if they can't find good jobs. That's why Johnson has called for a detailed audit to help eliminate corporate tax loopholes and unnecessary sales tax exemptions to make sure our schools have the funds they need to succeed. Johnson will hold our schools accountable for their budgets, and fight to restore Rick Perry's cuts to public education.

Ann Johnson will stand up to Rick Perry to keep our share of federal funds from going to New Jersey or California.

Ann Johnson will fight to bring our tax money back home, including $76 billion in Medicaid money. These funds would mean better patient care, better paying jobs at the Texas Medical Center and a stronger Houston economy. They could also mean lower taxes for Harris County property owners, who pay half a billion dollars in property taxes every year to the Hospital District to treat uninsured patients.

Houston's success in job growth is led by health care hiring, according to a recent report in the Houston Business Journal. And current research shows that Texas would be the state to benefit most from Medicaid expansion. That's why Ann Johnson will fight to keep and create more good jobs at the Texas Medical Center and boost our local economy.

Texas can do better, if we replace Sarah Davis.

Sarah Davis's votes in Austin may mean the next generation of Texans may be worse off than we are.

On her watch, Texas leads the nation in high-school dropouts and has the highest percentage of children living without health insurance in America. But Davis voted to cut $5.4 billion from public education and eliminate health care programs for more than 300,000 Texas women. Now she wants to join Rick Perry in turning away the $76 billion Texas is owed in Medicaid funds.

Ann Johnson knows Texas can do better.
