Issue Position: Jobs/Taxes

Issue Position

I am thankful to live where I do. My family and I are here by choice. The quality of life here is second to none. I see one of this district's major hurdles for the immediate future to be a lack of quality work for our citizens. I would like to be an intercessor for this district between our workers and employers. I believe our state, counties, and cities should do whatever it takes to encourage entrepreneurs and corporations to locate themselves here. I believe in the "trickle down" economy theory. From my own personal business experience, people higher up on the socio-economic ladder are the people who hire me. Lower taxes for all go hand in hand with more opportunity for all. I am not anti-tax. I am anti-waste. As every family around knows, everything is easier with a little more money in our pockets. We all live on a sensible budget and it is time that our government joined us on it. I hope that I can take that sense of fiscal responsibility from your neighborhood to the Arkansas House of Representatives.
