Issue Position: Overreach of Government Regulation

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

As a practicing, successful farmer for more than 15 years in Monongalia County, I am troubled by the frequent news of my colleagues in agribusiness who are being forced to wage costly legal defense against over regulation. Agribusinesses in our state, both large and small, are fighting an endless and uphill battle against intrusive government agencies that are intent on imposing blanket laws and regulations. The result of this over regulation goes far beyond the unnecessary legal consequences to those in the agribusiness; these actions are killing much-needed jobs across our state. West Virginia does not need mandates from government agencies that do little to help the environment and that aim to control the day to day actions of farmers. With the right leadership in place, West Virginia Department of Agriculture will encourage voluntary environmental stewardship and use sound science to address problems while ensuring that our state's agribusiness continue to flourish. This approach will result in increased jobs, a steady safe food supply, and a prosperous West Virginia economy. You see, I firmly believe the job of our government is to work to encourage a free market that will create growth of all business, rather than cavalierly eliminating jobs and destroying local economies with lawsuits and burdensome regulations. This is our state, and together we must be willing to stand up to our political leaders and agency directors, or we will feel the damaging repercussions for decades to come.
