Issue Position: Standing Up For Women's Health

Issue Position

With continued attacks on contraception and women's healthcare, treating women as second class citizens has somehow become a policy platform for the Republican Party once again. As a mom, Gretchen wants to make sure her daughters will always be able to hold their heads high and be proud of the decisions they have made and will continue to make throughout their lives, including the deeply personal decisions they must be able to make for themselves when it comes to their health.

Gretchen has been an outspoken critic of attempts to restrict women's access to affordable and responsible health care. She has fought back against efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and the life saving preventative care they offer low income women, as well as attempts to force women to undergo unnecessary and politically motivated medical procedures.

Gretchen will always be an advocate for ALL women and fight to provide them with the access they deserve to top quality health care
