Republicans Demand White House Not Issue Cybersecurity Executive Order

Press Release

Representatives Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Steve Scalise (R-LA) today called on President Obama to refrain from unilaterally issuing an Executive Order on cybersecurity. In a letter signed by 46 Members of Congress, they expressed their concern that ignoring Congress and issuing top-down standards in such a non-transparent fashion sets a dangerous precedent.

The letter concludes, "Imposing a backdoor regulatory framework through Executive Order will not solve our cybersecurity challenges. We urge you to find common ground and work with Congress on real solutions."

"The White House's attempt to do an end-route around Congress is not the right way to proceed on such an important issue as cybersecurity. Beyond the bad policy of putting government in charge of setting standards, issuing an Executive Order is also bad process. We're asking the White House to work with us instead of forcing their top-down regulations in such a non-transparent fashion," Rep. Blackburn said.

Rep. Scalise added "While there's near universal consensus that further action is needed to help thwart future cyber attacks, instead of issuing yet another Executive Order, President Obama should work with Congress to enact an incentive-based approach that encourages creative collaboration."
