Issue Position: Health Issues

Issue Position

The quality of health care in the United States is second to none. However, rising costs and access to care are serious problems that must be addressed.

President Obama's Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare, is a job-killer, a health-care disaster, and an assault on liberty. I will fight to repeal and replace ObamaCare with free-market reforms that empower patients and doctors to make health-care decisions.

ObamaCare must be repealed before it does more harm to our economy and health-care system. ObamaCare increases taxes on families and businesses by more than $500 billion and explodes the debt by trillions of dollars. As bad, ObamaCare injects federal bureaucrats into the decisions of patients and doctors. And ObamaCare will ration and or even deny care for seniors on Medicare. ObamaCare also unconstitutionally obligates every American, for the first time ever, to buy the good or service of a private company. ObamaCare must be repealed entirely. If that does not happen, it must be repealed piece-by-piece. And if that fails, it must be defunded.

I will fight not only to repeal ObamaCare, but also to replace it with patient-centered reforms that provide access to high-quality, affordable health care. I will work to ensure that every American receives the same health-care tax treatment regardless of how or where they receive their care. Businesses should not be discouraged from maintaining their current insurance plans, and small businesses should be allowed to pool together to provide insurance for their employees. Also, individuals should be encouraged to create health-savings accounts to provide for their own care. I will work to ensure businesses and individuals can purchase insurance across state lines. I will also help states to reform the medical-malpractice system to protect our doctors and serve our patients.
