Heinrich Announces Support for Secretary of Interior Nominee Sally Jewell


U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, released the following statement supporting Sally Jewell's nomination to become the next Secretary of the Interior:

"I am pleased to announce my support for Sally Jewell's nomination. President Obama has chosen a leader who is uniquely qualified to manage our nation's land and water, expand safe and responsible energy production, and build upon our nation-to-nation relationship with Indian Country.

"Particularly in New Mexico, families have long histories of using public lands for hiking, hunting, fishing and other traditions, both new and old. Ms. Jewell shares my commitment to protecting our natural heritage for our children and for generations to come, and knows firsthand that conservation and growing the Western economy are inextricably linked.

"I'm confident that Ms. Jewell--a fellow engineer--will use science as a guiding star to meet the difficult challenges that lie ahead. If confirmed, I look forward to working with her as our next Secretary of Interior."

Last week, Senator Heinrich questioned Secretary of Interior nominee Sally Jewell during her confirmation hearing about important issues to New Mexico, including responsible access to public lands, wildlife management, renewable energy development, and the Antiquities Act. Watch the video: http://youtu.be/vF1AZypc6Ug
