Alabama's 13 - Obama to Sign Congressional Gold Medal Bill for Four Little Girls

News Article

Date: May 23, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

By Danielle Deavours

President Barack Obama is planning on signing the Congressional Gold Medal Bill honoring the "Four Little Girls" who were killed in the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing on Friday.

Alabama Congresswoman Terri Sewell will join the president at the White House for the bill signing ceremony tomorrow.

H.R. 360 passed unanimously in the House of Representatives on April 24. Congresswoman Sewell and Alabama Congressman Spencer Bachus introduced the bill along with the entire Alabama delegation and Alabama natives Representative John Lewis and Representative Sanford Bishop.

The U.S. Senate unanimously approved H.R. 360 on May 9. U.S. Senator Richard Shelby garnered co-sponsorship from over two-thirds of the Senate and introduced the Senate version of the bill along with Senator Jeff Sessions.

Other people who will attend today's bill signing ceremony are Birmingham Mayor William Bell, Dianne Braddock (the sister of Carole Robertson who was killed), and Lisa and Maxine McNair (the sister and mother of Denise McNair who was killed).

"I am thrilled that President Obama is going to sign H.R. 360, the Congressional Gold Medal Bill to honor the lives of Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley. With the President's signature, this nation will finally honor the sacrifices of these four little girls that ignited the spark which led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I am especially honored that we will be joined by Dianne Braddock, the sister of Carole Robertson and Lisa and Maxine McNair, the sister and mother of Denise McNair. And though we will never be able to replace the lives lost or the injuries suffered, this medal will serve as a compelling reminder of the sacrifices so many freedom fighters made to help us achieve equality and social change," said Rep. Sewell.

"This bill signing recognizes the legacy of four beautiful little girls whose lives, while far too short, led to permanent change in our society and became an honored part of the civil rights movement. It was a pleasure to work with Congresswoman Sewell and our entire Alabama delegation in the House and Senate to pass this legislation on a year in which the City of Birmingham to commemorating the 50th anniversary of landmark events that helped extend the protections of the U.S. Constitution to so many who been denied their fundamental rights as Americans," said Rep. Bachus.

Later in the fall there will be3 a Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony in the U.S. Capitol.
