Congressman Carney Statement on the NSA's Surveillance Activities


"The ongoing revelations about the National Security Agency's data collection tactics are very disturbing. While I certainly support giving intelligence agencies the tools they need to fight terrorism, we cannot do so by sacrificing the fundamental civil liberties of American citizens.

"Last year, I voted against a five-year continuation of several of the intelligence-gathering provisions currently in the spotlight. I believe that Congress should first have reviewed and amended the laws before extending the executive branch's surveillance authority for such a long period of time. I also believe that transparency is key to appropriate Congressional oversight. It's not acceptable if our surveillance laws are being executed improperly, and Congress should act to stop it.

"We need to learn more about the depth and breadth of these surveillance programs, so that we can ensure that the privacy of innocent Americans is protected. I will continue monitoring the ongoing NSA revelations, and I will urge my colleagues to review the surveillance laws we have on the books.

"The threat of terrorism is constantly evolving. Our tactics for combating it must as well. Along the way, we must ensure that our changing laws continue providing American citizens the protections our Constitution guarantees them."
