Appropriations Committee Approves the Fiscal Year 2014 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Funding Bill

Press Release

Date: June 27, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

The House Appropriations Committee today approved the fiscal year 2014 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development funding bill. The legislation includes funding for the Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other related agencies.

In total, the bill provides $44.1 billion in discretionary spending -- a reduction of $7.7 billion below the fiscal year 2013 enacted level and $13.9 billion below the President's budget request. This level is approximately $4.4 billion below the level caused by automatic sequestration cuts for these programs.

"This is a good bill that achieves several important goals -- it supports infrastructure critical to our economy, protects our people as they fly, drive, and move around this country, and provides housing for hundreds of thousands of vulnerable citizens," House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers said, "And, it does all this while dealing with the fiscal constraints of sequestration and an unbalanced budget - making difficult but necessary reductions to a variety of lower-priority programs."

"The bill approved today shows that we can work together to make significant cuts to Federal spending, while supporting core transportation and housing programs that are essential to creating jobs and spurring economic growth," Subcommittee Chairman Tom Latham said.

The following amendments to the bill were adopted by the full committee today:

Rep. Latham -- The manager's amendment makes technical and non-controversial changes to the bill and report. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

Rep. Pastor -- The amendment rescinds any unobligated funding for MagLev rail projects, and adds the funds to rail crossing safety and planning programs. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

Rep. Valadao -- The amendment prohibits funding for the Surface Transportation Board to take any action with respect to the construction of a California High Speed Rail project unless the Board has jurisdiction over and reviews the project in its entirety. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

Rep. Lee -- The amendment adds $3 million to the Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA) account, offset by a cut to a HUD administrative account.

Rep. Lee -- The amendment adds bill language expressing a "sense of Congress" that legislation should not be passed that "increases poverty in the U.S." The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.

The bill was approved by the full committee on a vote of 28-20.

For the text of the bill and report, please visit: and
