Blackburn: People are Tired of Talk; They Want Action


Date: July 24, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) today issued the following statement in reaction to President Obama's speech on the economy.

"While I am glad President Obama is finally returning his focus to jobs, one thing is clear from conversations I am having with my constituents in Tennessee -- people are tired of talk. We don't need more speeches filled with empty promises; we need action. That is exactly why I am always fighting for solutions that will spur economic growth and create jobs for all Americans.

"The recent jobs numbers show unemployment at 7.6 percent. If we include discouraged workers and those who have stopped looking for full-time work, unemployment is actually at 14.3 percent. That is not a healthy economy. Since the President took office, the average duration of unemployment has almost doubled. It is clear the President's policies are only hurting the middle class.

"Take for example Obamacare. Even the administration appears to now recognize this law is a train wreck with their recent decision to delay the employer mandate. Under Obamacare individuals can expect to see premium increases of nearly 100 percent on average while small businesses can expect increases of up to 50 percent in the small group market. This is why I am fighting to ensure the entire law is delayed, defunded, repealed, and replaced.

"The President said in his speech that he wants to "tell the world we're open for business' yet he continues to block projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would create 20,000 direct jobs and 118,000 over the span of the project. The President's actions don't match his rhetoric.

"Americans want a strong economy and a more secure future, and I am fighting everyday in the House to lay the groundwork for one with new jobs and expanded opportunities -- without expanding government."
