Reps. Salmon and DeSantis Introduce Constitutional Amendment to Hold Washington Accountable

Press Release

Date: Aug. 1, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

As part of their effort to bring accountability to Capitol Hill, Reps. Matt Salmon (AZ-05) and Reps. Ron DeSantis (FL-06) today introduced a constitutional amendment prohibiting Congress from making any law that exempts Members of Congress from its operation. The 28th Amendment will ensure that our nation's lawmakers and politicians live within the same parameters that they set on the American people.

"A government of the people, by the people, for the people should live under the same rules it passes for the people. It's that simple," said Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-05). "That is why this amendment is necessary. How can the American people trust Congress to fix a broken Washington when they don't even live under the same rules? Washington should live by the same rules as every family and business, and I encourage all Americans to join us in moving this legislation forward."

"This amendment affirms what the Founding Fathers understood: members of Congress are servants of the people, not a ruling class separate and distinct from the people," Rep. Ron DeSantis (FL-06) said. "Congress cannot be allowed to impose burdens on the American people while relieving its own members of those burdens. A 28th amendment is needed to hold Congress accountable and to restore principles of proper constitutional government."
