"Good Riddance" to Nidal Hasan

Press Release

Date: Aug. 28, 2013

Congressman Carter, Chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, is releasing the following statement regarding Nidal Hasan's guilty sentence in the trial of the Fort Hood Shooting.

"Today, Nidal Hasan was sentenced to death by an unanimous 13-member jury panel of Army officers. After inflicting such a deep, irreparable wound in the heart of Fort Hood as well as the hearts of the American people, I believe the death penalty is well-deserved.

I am a retired Texas District Judge of twenty years who has tried seven capitol murder cases, four of which resulted in a death penalty. The others received life in prison. I understand that excess publicity prior to this trial could have influenced Hasan's sentence and I have been careful not to say or do anything that could have affected this justified outcome. Now that Hasan is convicted and has been sentenced, I promise to pursue every avenue to promote the cause of our soldiers and their families. As the federal representative for Fort Hood, I will not abandon this fight until it is won."

Chairman Carter represents Fort Hood, where the Nov. 5, 2009 shooting took place. Chairman Carter has locked arms with Senator John Cornyn and Rep. Roger Williams to continue to fight to get the victims of the shooting the benefits they need and deserve.
