Constitution Week

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 17, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Constitution

Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to offer my thanks to the Louisiana Society Daughters of the American Revolution for their efforts to promote Constitution Week, September 17-23. The women of the Louisiana Society Daughters of the American Revolution have dedicated themselves to promoting a better understanding of the Constitution since 1895, and I commend them for their continued contributions.

The Constitution of the United States of America sets us apart from every government that had come before. We are a nation of laws, not men. Our Constitution has survived the test of time in embodying and protecting that fundamental principle. Further, the Constitution guarantees our freedom of speech, religion, our right to bear arms and protects us from the government itself. Our Founding Fathers well understood the need to limit the power of any one branch of government through checks and balances.

We owe the Daughters of the American Revolution a debt of gratitude for their efforts to promote the study of and reflection upon this critical document, as only an informed public can protect its own rights.

When I was sworn in as a Member of Congress, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. The principles found in our Constitution have propelled our country to be a ``shining city on a hill.'' I believe our nation's greatness can be renewed by returning to our founding ideals.
