National Institutes of Health Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 2, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ELLISON. You know, Mr. Speaker, it reminds me of the case where someone stole another person's coat and then came back and offered very piously to help them find it, all the while knowing that it's stashed away. The fact is that we are here for one reason and one reason only, and that is the Republicans object to the Affordable Care Act and refuse to fund the government unless it is defunded. How many times have we heard, delay, defund, and all that little jingle they do? That is why we are here.

And now we have people coming to the floor, piously urging for funding for D.C. and young people and all this kind of stuff. You know, it's as if they didn't know, when they shut down the government, that D.C. and young people and the NIH were going to be cut. Obviously they knew it. Did they just find out after they read their bill? No. They knew it. They knew it all the time. They know it now. And we can solve everyone's problem by putting a clean CR on this moment.

