Carter Supports Soldiers and Their Families Regardless of Senate Politics

Press Release

Date: Sept. 29, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Carter (R-TX31), representative for Fort Hood, is standing for soldiers, their families and the American people after voting today for a bill that ensure our men and women continue to receive their pay even if the democrat Senate and President fail to pass a funding bill by Monday evening.

H.R. 3210, Pay Our Military Act would provide the funds during FY 2014 to pay the salaries of the members of the Armed Forces, including active duty reserves and the Coast Guard. The legislation would also ensure civilian employees and contractors for the military are also paid.

"The men and women and their families who defend our constitution should never be used in politics. Our heroes continue to stand for liberty regardless of or political differences and I will always fight for them," said Congressman Carter, Vice Chairman of Military Construction and Veteran Affairs. "As the proud Representative of Fort Hood, I commend the House of Representatives for standing with those who courageously stand in harms for all Americans."
