Fleming Resolution Says Congress Must Retain Debt Limit Authority


Date: Sept. 25, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Fleming, M.D., released the following statement about H.Res. 360, a resolution he introduced which reiterates the Constitutional guarantee that Congress, and not the President, retain the authority to establish the nation's debt limit:

"Under President Obama's watch our national debt has shot up by more than $6 trillion, and is now approaching the $16.7 trillion limit of what can be borrowed. The Obama Administration is already claiming there will be 'catastrophic' consequences if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling to let our government go deeper in debt. Less than a year ago then-Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner suggested it was time to transfer Congress' debt limit authority over to the White House. It was another display of this administration's disregard for the Constitution.

"Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution is clear that "Congress shall have Power… To borrow Money on the credit of the United States.' That should be enough, but to be sure that the Obama Administration gets the message, my resolution reiterates the fact that President Obama must not try to circumvent the Constitution. Congress must not yield even a fraction of its authority over the nation's debt limit."
