Common Sense Isn't Common in Washington, D.C.


Date: Sept. 17, 2013

Friends,The October 19th election is fast approaching and will be here in less than five weeks. We have done a lot of traveling, visiting all 24 parishes in the Fifth District.It's hard to believe that in less than three weeks, on October 5th, early voting begins.Since the beginning of the campaign, I have talked with countless voters across the sprawling Fifth District. The common message I hear:"Tell Washington to leave us alone."

It doesn't take much common sense to see that the path Washington insiders are taking us down is one of destruction. Then again, there is not much common sense in Washington, D.C.

Here is what Louisiana residents want: the opportunity to work hard, raise a family and live the American Dream right here in the Sportsman's Paradise.

Washington just can't come to terms with the simple idea of staying out of our everyday lives.

You deserve a congressman with the backbone to stand up to the "insider" crowd. I refuse to blindly follow amnesty instead of protecting our borders. I'll oppose spying on American citizens in the name of national security, gun control pushed by radical, reactionary politicians and Obamacare exemptions for Congress while America's hard-working families and small businesses foot the bill.

My platform is simple and conservative:

Repeal Obamacare. Protect our borders. Rein in the IRS. Limit the power of the federal government. Protect our Constitutional rights. Fight for the Christian family values that built our great nation. And support policies that grow our middle class, create jobs and get more Americans working again.

America's next great comeback is right around the corner, and I am humbly asking that you join with me and be a part of it. I will be your voice in Washington, D.C.
A note from the campaign trail:

We have the only campaign with signs up throughout the entire district. Thanks to your generous support, we are now running advertisements on television and radio. Our volunteers are knocking on doors. My staff and I have worked tirelessly to spread our message of less government and more freedom.We will continue to travel and work hard every day through Election Day. I am so thankful for the emails, letters and kind words that many of you have sent me.Thank you very much.

