Rokita Report 10-20-13


Dear Friend,

Thank you for the opportunity to update you on the work of the 113th Congress. I trust this finds you and your family well.

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Rokita Readings
A clickable offering of books and articles that I've read recently and highly recommend, as we strive together to "Keep the Republic."

Featured in this week's Rokita Readings is a column I recently read by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore titled "Obamanomics, RIP.

While the resolution to the government shutdown was less than what we could hope for, it's important to keep in mind how far we've come in a few short years. Thanks to our efforts, we are seeing one of the biggest spending declines by the federal government in modest history. While we are nowhere near eliminating the $17 trillion in debt, and $100 trillion in unfunded promises on the way that we are leaving for our children and grandchildren, we are making progress. I am optimistic we will solve this problem, the stakes are simply too high.

Featured in this week's Rokita Readings is a column I recently read by Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore titled "Obamanomics, RIP.

While the resolution to the government shutdown was less than what we could hope for, it's important to keep in mind how far we've come in a few short years. Thanks to our efforts, we are seeing one of the biggest spending declines by the federal government in modest history. While we are nowhere near eliminating the $17 trillion in debt, and $100 trillion in unfunded promises on the way that we are leaving for our children and grandchildren, we are making progress. I am optimistic we will solve this problem, the stakes are simply too high.

Let me know what you think on my Facebook page.

Debt Limit/Shutdown Compromise - Another Tax Put On the Children of Tomorrow

As you may know, legislation was passed to end the government shutdown by funding the federal government through January 15, 2014. The legislation also increased the maximum borrowing limit for the federal government, or debt ceiling, until February 7, 2014.

I did not support this legislation and voted against it because any increase in the debt ceiling should be offset by real spending reform that puts our nation on track to a balanced budget and begins to pay down our national debt.

This bill actually completes a full one-year extension of the debt ceiling without any reduction to our out-of-control spending and is yet another tax put on the children of tomorrow -- all so we can have government give us more in the here and now.

Congress had to consider this bad deal because the President and Harry Reid refused to reform or even acknowledge the severity of our fiscal problems. As the Budget Conference Committee goes forward, I hope we can have an intellectually honest discussion about the debt that sets aside the fear tactics and hysterics of the last few weeks.

It is important to clarify that this standoff was about more than ObamaCare. This is about curbing spending and reducing our $17 trillion debt and $100 trillion in unfunded promises.

Purdue Research Park Roundtable

On Thursday, I joined House Majority Leader Eric Cantor for a roundtable panel with Purdue University officials to discuss Purdue's leadership in research and STEM education at Purdue's Research Park.

The discussion focused on Purdue's efforts to foster technology transfer and cultivation of promising innovations for private sector investment and commercialization.

ObamaCare Impact - I Want to Hear from You

Is ObamaCare impacting you, your family, your friends, or your business? I want to hear from you.

I have heard from countless Hoosiers, like Max in Fountain County who's mother's hours at work were cut to part time due to ObamaCare mandates, or from Helmut in West Lafayette who saw his family's premium jump from $291 to $900 per month.

It is clear this law is doing the opposite of what it was promised. In order to stop it, we need to tell Washington what is in the bill. Contact me and let me know how this law is hurting you or tell your story on social media - Facebook or Twitter.

Debut of the American Health Care Reform Act at Indiana State Medical Association Convention 9-21-13

Thank you for your continued interest in Congress and for supporting my efforts in Washington. Take care.


Todd Rokita
