Issue Position: Family Values

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013

Since I first ran for Congress, I have been committed to defending our traditional, conservative Alabama values in Washington. That means protecting families, respecting the sanctity of all life and recognizing the role that religion has played throughout our nation's history.

I have found that many Members feel the same way. As a result, I have had the opportunity to join a number of family values related caucuses, including the House Values Action Team, the Pro-Life Caucus, the Congressional Caucus on Fatherhood and the Congressional Coalition for Adoption. Through my membership in these groups I am able to work with like-minded Members to push conservative, values driven legislation in Congress.

I also wholeheartedly believe that we should look for ways to curb and stop abortions in the United States. The rights of the unborn continue to be of the utmost concern to me. All life is precious. When people discuss abortion there is a tendency to couch the argument in terms of it being simply a choice or decision. That's not what it's about. It's about protecting the innocent lives of the most vulnerable among us.
