Levin, Stabenow Announce $41.6 Million for Detroit Department of Transportation


Date: Dec. 5, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Sens. Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, both D-Mich., announced today that the Federal Transit Administration will provide $41.6 million to the Detroit Department of Transportation, which will be matched by approximately $10 million in local and state funds. The funds will be used to upgrade and maintain city buses and bus facilities.

"Detroit is a city of grit and resilience, and it will emerge from bankruptcy stronger than ever. Part of our city's rebound will be strengthening its infrastructure, and the grants announced today are a piece of that process. These funds will assist the city's efforts to update and maintain our city's transportation facilities and buses, which is great news for Detroit," said Levin.

"This critical support will help families in and around Detroit have access to better public transportation," said Stabenow. "Detroit's comeback has already begun, and this support is an important part of the effort to help revitalize neighborhoods across the city."

The funds will be used for preventative maintenance to bus facilities, for vehicle maintenance, and to overhaul 60 DDOT buses. The funds will also support capital projects to improve DDOT's bus and passenger facilities, including Central, Gilbert, and Shoemaker bus facilities, and to help repair and upgrade the Rosa Parks Transit Center. DDOT will also purchase and install new bus shelters and acquire security equipment for DDOT facilities.

The funds are FY 2013 transit formula funds from the 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Funding Program.
