Straight Talk With Sam: The Year Ahead


Date: Dec. 27, 2004
Location: unknown

One way to think about the New Year is to look back at the year gone by. Whenever I do this I am amazed at all the changes that take place within one year. We live life at such a hurried pace that often we forget to stop and notice the changes going on around us.

In the last year we have seen many changes. Some of the most important have come in the War on Terror. In Iraq the United States handed political control of the country back to the Iraqis. In Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai was elected and sworn in as the first popularly elected President. Libya gave up its nuclear weapons program, which removed another potential danger from the world.

Our economy showed continued signs of improvement. I think we have set the table for more growth in the coming year. I will continue to work until every person who wants a job can find a job.

Through it all this year we have seen the character of America and Missouri in its citizens. Whether it was our troops protecting us overseas or our law enforcement working together to find a newborn child, we have had many moments that make us proud and give us hope.

I hope that Congress will seize this new opportunity to pass legislation that is sorely needed. As this year passes into next, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and my sincerest hopes that 2005 is good to both you and your family.
