Rep. Ellison Statement on President's Executive Action on Federal Contracts


Date: Jan. 28, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) released the following statement today after the White House announced the president would sign an executive order that requires federal contractors to pay service and construction employees at least $10.10 an hour, following a campaign led by Good Jobs Nation and the Congressional Progressive Caucus that began in the summer of 2013:

"The announcement today is a huge victory for every worker who took to the streets last summer demanding to be paid a fair wage for a full day's work. With this action President Obama has taken an important first step to increase the wages of workers who are employed by federal contractors and ensured the federal government will lead the way towards an economy that works for everyone.

"Congratulations to the thousands of federal contract workers who will have more money in their pockets each month to pay the rent and put food on the table for their families. Building an economy that works for everyone will not be achieved by a single executive order, but the action announced today is an important first step towards increasing financial security for families.

"President Obama has said "inequality is the defining challenge of our time.' The next step in facing that challenge is for Congress to pass an increase in the federal minimum wage for everyone. The Congressional Progressive Caucus, Good Jobs Nation and organizations throughout the country will continue to organize for policies that promote economic opportunity for all."
