Letter to Fred Upton, Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce and Ed Whitfield, Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power - Call for Hearing on Propane Shortage Crisis


The Honorable Fred Upton
Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Ed Whitfield
Subcommittee on Energy and Power
Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Upton and Chairman Whitfield

As Members representing the Midwest, we respectfully write today to request a hearing into the current propane shortage, the long term outlook of Midwestern supply and potential solutions to the problem.

As you may know, households and businesses across the Midwest have seen significant spikes in the price of propane fuels during the severe winter cold. Any further reduction in supply threatens to leave our constituents without the fuel necessary to heat their homes and to keep livestock and poultry barns warm.

According to the Energy Information Administration, last week's residential propane prices in the Midwest averaged $2.40 per gallon, compared to $1.74 per gallon a year ago. The situation is even worse this week. We are hearing reports that in some areas of the Midwest prices are already as high as $4 per gallon and are expected to rise to $5.50 per gallon. Several factors are potentially contributing to the current price increase and supply shortage, including unseasonably cold and wet weather, supply disruptions, and an increase in exports.

This is a problem that is not going away. A formal hearing to fully investigate the role and resources available to moderate supply and relieve skyrocketing prices during the coldest time of the year is vitally important to thoughtfully considering viable long-term solutions to meet our energy needs.

We respectfully urge you to promptly schedule a hearing to discuss this timely and important issue to our constituents.

