Issue Position: Military & Defense

Issue Position

A peaceful world depends on clear and decisive leadership from the United States, and a strong United States starts with respect for those who serve to protect us.

Like Ronald Reagan, I support a defense policy of "peace through strength." All the people of the world are safer when America is a strong and reliable ally. The U.S. must lead with clear foreign policy objectives, and follow through on our word. For example, the U.S. simply cannot allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Furthermore, I support eliminating aid to regimes that actively work against us.

Members of the military -- along with their courageous families -- are our heroes. My father proudly served in the Navy, and my sister is an active duty Major in the Air Force. Words cannot express the gratitude and respect I feel for their service and the service of so many others who have put their lives at risk for the sake of our security here at home. I will whole-heartedly support and defend those who currently serve and have served to defend our liberties.

It is a national shame that so many of our military heroes come home to disappointment. It is unacceptable that so many of our veterans are homeless.

I will work to ensure that all veterans receive the benefits they deserve and that reflect our deep appreciation. Because I believe government should keep its promises, I support repealing the recent cuts to retirement benefits.
