Issue Position: Foreign Policy and National Security

Issue Position

As a soldier who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, I understand the importance of having assertive but humble foreign policies that serve America's interests while intently considering the state of international affairs. Aligning ourselves with other nations like Israel, South Korea, and other allies that support our global endeavors is an important part of creating strong and long lasting foreign ties.

Washington continues to waiver on the United States' associations with its allies, creating uncertainty and weakening our worldwide connection which affects our long term capability to forward universal progression.

We must stand strong against nations promoting anti-American action and threatening the West. Our government flies around the world writing checks that we, the American people, work for, funding countries who outwardly display their disdain for our way of life and our freedoms. This makes us look weak and undermines our ability to do business in the world.

Our Foreign policy must begin with a solid American economy and national defense. Expanding our social programs and growing our deficit, mirrors the faults of the nation's already failing in Europe. We have to be smart enough and humble enough to learn from the mistakes of nations around the world.

If we can't take care of the serious issues we have at home, how can we aid, support, or attempt to be an example to others.
