Himes Statement on McCutcheon Court Decision


Date: April 2, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) released the following statement after the Supreme Court struck down in a 5-4 ruling federal limits on overall campaign contributions donors may make to candidates, political parties, and political action Committees (PACs). Per-election limits on individual contributions to candidates for president or Congress, set at $2,600 per election, are still in effect.

"We need less money in our politics, not more. This decision from a slim five-member majority of the court threatens to set our democracy back -- just like the very unfortunate Citizens United ruling did four years ago. Today's ruling threatens to unleash an additional torrent of money into our political system at a time when large donors already have far too much influence. As a cosponsor of legislation to overturn Citizens United and a strong supporter of public financing for political campaigns, I will continue doing everything I can to level the playing field for the millions of American voters whose voices are being muted."
