Blackburn Statement on House Passage of the Budget

Press Release

Date: April 10, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) issued the following statement in support of the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Resolution, The Path To Prosperity, which was approved by the House of Representatives today.

"It's time for an intellectually honest discussion about the economy, the budget, and our $ 17 trillion debt. Millions of Americans are sitting down this week to do their taxes. It is not fair for them to send money they don't have to Washington to a government that refuses to live within its means. They are tired of what this economy has brought about and are looking for a budget that makes a pathway to economic growth.

"The Ryan Budget will put America back on a path to prosperity by making $5.1 trillion in actual spending cuts, balancing the budget within ten years, strengthening programs such as Medicare, simplifying the tax code, and replacing Obamacare with common sense, patient centered health care reform. The American people deserve a federal government that lives within its means.

"It's time for Congress to put proper focuswhere it needs to be: righting the bloated size of the federal government; reducing taxation; reducing litigation; creating jobs and innovation. If we don't get this debt under control, it will be our children and grandchildren who will face draconian tax rates, draconian cuts, and draconian regulations in order to be able to make a prosperous life in America."
