Fleming on Louisiana Medicaid Expansion Vote


Congressman John Fleming, M.D., released the following statement after the Health and Welfare Committee of the Louisiana State Senate voted against an effort to expand Medicaid in Louisiana:

"Today's vote marks a victory for the hard-working taxpayers of Louisiana. Expanding Medicaid would have cost the state almost $2 billion over ten years, and would have pushed more Louisianians into a broken and inefficient program. Medicaid expansion would demand higher taxes and cuts in other health care programs, much as Obamacare took funds from Medicare to pay for a costly new entitlement. It's been estimated that expansion would also move 100,000 Louisianians from private health insurance to Medicaid, adding pressure to the health care system, leaving many of those individuals with little more than a card and inadequate access to quality medical care, and ultimately hurting the very people it's supposed to help. Louisiana has wisely pushed back against the Obamacare disaster, and today's vote proves that we will continue to fight the expansion of a costly government monstrosity that still needs to be repealed."
