Issue Position: Economy and Jobs

Issue Position

Eastern Baltimore County used to be the booming economic engine of our county and state.

The tens of thousands of jobs provided by Sparrows Point are gone. Our state has lost over 45,000 manufacturing jobs in the last ten years. The working families of our community deserve better.

To ensure a bright future for our families and our community, we must rebuild eastern Baltimore County as the economic engine of our county and attract jobs that support families. As your Delegate, I pledge to make the economic opportunities of our working families my top priority.

Develop Our Business Corridors
Little has been done to develop the business corridors of our communities. Stagnant businesses and empty rental space don't help our communities. I pledge to fight to revitalize the area with businesses that will attract young working families to our area.

Rebuild Manufacturing
Maryland is ranked 43rd in the creation of manufacturing jobs -- this is unacceptable. I pledge to fight to rebuild the base of manufacturing jobs on which the communities of eastern Baltimore County were built.

Repeal the Rain Tax
There are businesses in our district that will pay tens of thousands of dollars in new taxes which will result in destroyed jobs. I pledge to sponsor legislation to immediately repeal the rain tax.

Support Small Business
Approximately 64% of new private sector jobs are created by small businesses. I pledge to fight to make Maryland a place where small business can thrive and grow.

Get Government Out of the Way
Over the last ten years we have chased tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars of wealth from Maryland. Entrepreneurs and small businesses are what create jobs and drive the economy. I pledge to push back on the regulations and taxes that are chasing jobs from our state.
