Issue Position: Obamacare

Issue Position

Date: Nov. 7, 2013

There is a new definition for epic failure: Obamacare.

How did that happen?

Democrats -- including Mike Ross and Mark Pryor -- saddled us with a health care plan we are forced to purchase. If we don't purchase the one-size fits none plans, we get fined.

Obamacare was passed by a Congress that didn't read it, but exempted themselves and their staffs from it from it.

Obamacare purportedly will cover at least 10 million people currently without coverage, but won't add a single doctor to those currently practicing. However, it will add 16,000 new IRS agents to enforce it.

Obamacare was signed by a President who smokes. It is overseen by a surgeon general who is obese. Its funding is administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes.

The taxpayers pay for it for four years before any benefits take effect. Those responsible people who have health care insurance will be getting less for more money.

It is part of a government that has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare.

Obamacare was sold to the public with lies. In the private sector, if company leaders who lied to shareholders to get votes would go to jail fro fraud.

We need to remember those Arkansans who passed Obamacare. In 2014, we need to fire Pryor and toss Ross.
