Anthony G. Brown Election Night Victory Speech

Thank you, all of you, who have worked to make tonight possible.

During my 30 years in the United States Army, I had the privilege of serving with and leading some of the most patriotic men and women from all four corners of this country.

We were mechanics and cooks, medics and clerks; we drove trucks and flew helicopters. And every so often we let ourselves believe that we were part of a noble cause, something bigger than what we did on any given day.

On this campaign, some of you have knocked on doors, some of you have made phone calls, some of you have welcomed us into your living rooms and on your shop floors to talk to your neighbors and co-workers.

But together, we campaigned with that same spirit -- knowing that each of us was part of something bigger.

Our goal of Building a Better Maryland for More Marylanders.

When my Dad came to America, as a young man, out of poverty in Kingston, Jamaica, he knew that this was the land of opportunity…

… a place where someone could work hard, play by the rules, pursue the American Dream, and make a contribution to the greatness that is America.

My father never forgot, nor have I, that opportunity is at the heart of so many American stories,

The opportunity to get a good education,
The opportunity to get a good-paying, family-supporting job.
The opportunity to see your children reach their full potential.
Maryland is a great state. But we know that it can be better, and it can be better for more Marylanders.

Together, we've made progress. But this campaign isn't about where we've been -- it's about what's next for Maryland. It's about the opportunity that lies ahead for our State.

Maryland. The Free State where we celebrate our diversity and join together with a common goal to make Maryland the most attractive, competitive state, with the most skilled and educated workforce, the best schools, and an economy that creates good, quality, middle-class, family-supporting jobs.

We're a state that must function like most Maryland families do--families that have accomplished so much while at the same time living within their means.

Just like Maryland families, Maryland's next Governor must run a "tight ship"--growing in smart, fiscally responsible ways.

And that's where we now face a choice as a State. The direction we choose will affect the lives of countless Maryland families for many years to come.

We'll elect our next governor in less than four and a half months. In just 18 weeks we'll begin a new chapter. But that chapter isn't written yet. And it certainly isn't etched in stone.

Rather… it's up to all of us to decide how our future will look over the next 4 years.

Will we favor tax breaks for big business that would deplete our resources, impair our competitive edge, and devastate our ability to offer a world-class education to our kids?

Will we give in to those tired and failed policies of making life harder for working families, to fund corporate giveaways?

Or do we invest in good schools and affordable college tuition, build on our progress of attracting high-quality, good-paying jobs, and offer every Marylander an opportunity to succeed?

No, we can't expect government or its leaders to solve every problem. But we should expect our leaders to make the difficult decisions, create the conditions for opportunity, responsibility, and shared prosperity. For the entire state.

Ken Ulman and I have a plan. A plan that we've made with you. A plan that works, not just for the privileged few, but for working families across Maryland.

Our schools are some of the best in the nation, but we've got a plan to make them better.

Our neighborhoods are safer than they've been in 30 years, but we've got a plan to make them safer.

We've created jobs for so many Marylanders, but we've got a plan to create even more.

We've protected our workers, raised the minimum wage, and strengthened our economy, but we've got a plan to make it stronger.

We've repealed the death penalty, and passed marriage equality and the DREAM Act, creating a more just society, and Ken and I have a plan to continue our progress.

Maryland needs a Governor who will lead our state. Who, with you, will write the next great chapter in our future.

That future must focus on the families that get up every day, go to work, send their kids to school, keep a watchful eye on their household budgets, and try to make the best financial decisions for their family.

That Governor must wake up every day asking how he can make Maryland better for more Marylanders today. And I know, with your help, I will be that Governor.

To put this plan into action, we're going to need a great team. And as I look out at each and every one of you, I know we've got a great team, the right team, to get the job done in November and in a Brown-Ulman administration.

I want to thank the best running mate I could ask for, and the next Lieutenant Governor of the great state of Maryland: Ken Ulman. I also want to thank his wife, Jaki, and his daughters Maddie and Lily.

And I'd like to thank my wonderful wife Karmen, and our children Rebecca, Jonathan, Anthony, and my entire family for their support, their patience, and most importantly, their love as we've gone through this campaign together. My mother is also here tonight -- Mom, thank you for a lifetime of encouragement and love.

And we wouldn't be here tonight without you. So thank you:

Thank you to the thousands of volunteers who knocked on doors, made calls, and talked to your neighbors about our campaign. You are the heart and soul of this campaign.

Thank you to the best campaign staff I've ever worked with. You've worked long, tough hours, and sacrificed so much time with your own families.This campaign wouldn't have been possible without your work, your enthusiasm, and your dedication.

Thank you to our endorsers, fellow elected officials, and supporters.

I'd like to thank Governor O'Malley for his leadership, and his partnership, over the past eight years. He's shown all of us what is possible when leaders put their values into action, and our state is better for his efforts.

I'd like to commend Delegate Mizeur and Attorney General Gansler for a hard-fought campaign. We didn't always agree on every issue, but there's a lot more that unites us than divides us as public servants. I look forward to coming together as we work towards the General Election in November.

And I'd like to congratulate Larry Hogan on his primary win tonight. I'm looking forward to the next 133 days, where I hope we'll discuss the issues that matter most to Marylanders and their families.

So tonight, we're going to celebrate. But our work on this campaign isn't done. Ken and I are going to need all of you in November, as we continue our campaign to build a better Maryland for more Marylanders.

Thank you.
