Issue Position: Fishing Industry Support

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

I understand the continued and growing importance of the Alaskan Fishing Industry. According to the recently released McDowell Group Report on the economic impact in Alaska of the fishing industry: "The seafood industry directly employed more than 63,000 people in Alaska in 2011, meaning 1 in 8 workers earned at least part of their annual income from seafood. The industry accounted for 9 percent of all private sector resident earnings."

I will work to protect and enhance this valuable part of the Alaskan economy. I am opposed to trading jobs in one developed industry for potential jobs in another. Because of this, I agrees with Alaska's late Senator Ted Stevens position on the the proposed Pebble Mine Project. …

Sen. Ted Stevens' wording back in 2008 when asked about Pebble while in Kodiak. Alaska: "I am not opposed to mining, but it is the wrong mine for the wrong place,"

"I'm not going to change, and I hope people will listen to us. That resource is an enormous resource not just for the Native people but for the Bristol Bay run, and it ought not be tampered with by a gold mine. . . " This Stevens quote was from the Juneau, Empire.

As an Alaskan resident and Independent Candidate for Alaskan State House, on the day the Alaskan primary is held August 19, 2014, I will vote in favor of the Bristol Bay Forever Initiative.
