Issue Position: A 21st Century Workforce

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Attract and retain young talent to grow a 21st century workforce

When Jeremy ran for Southfield City Council in 2011 and was endorsed by the South Oakland Eccentric, the newspaper editorial board wrote, "Jeremy Moss would be an important addition to the council. At age 25, he is one of the so-called millennials, the upcoming generation that will bring ideas and vitality to the city - and the council… Moss has energy and enthusiasm, and electing him to council might build interest in city government and voting among younger voters, garnering ideas not yet seen on the council to move the city forward."

Since taking office, the Eccentric told its readers last year, "Moss is the youngest of the council members, and he has championed in his short council career policies and projects that will bring young people to the city... The city needs Moss' fresh ideas and energy."

Jeremy introduced a City Council resolution to increase the number of young people on the city's boards and commissions to engage a younger generation to shape the direction of our region's future. [more information]

He also was a strong supporter of fulfilling the vision for Southfield City Centre -- supporting new zoning and site plans to create a densely-developed and pedestrian-friendly corridor along Evergreen Road to attract young professionals. [more information]

With this background and mindset, Jeremy represents a new generation of emerging leaders in Michigan that will champion state initiatives to create "a sense of place" in Michigan's cities that will keep young talent from moving out of state and lead to a stronger economic recovery.
