Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

A job not only gives us a way to make a living but also gives us the ability to contribute to Society and a chance to help our fellow citizens.

"Jobs are created either by the government or by private business. When government creates a job, it is paid for by taxes or even worse, by borrowing. When private business creates a job, it is paid for by sale of a valuable product or service. Something of value is created."
Dr. Sabi Kumar

Dr. Kumar will support and work to achieve:
A smaller government with
Less regulation and
Lower taxes to allow
Economic growth and development

Agriculture and Small Business are the pillars of Economic Growth.
Robertson County is one of the largest Agricultural communities in Tennessee.
Dr. Kumar will support the Farmers of Robertson County.

Dr. Kumar owns 2 small businesses in Robertson County.
The first is the surgical practice, Springfield Surgery PC. Although the purpose of a medical or surgical practice should be caring and healing of our patients, regulations have forced these to become businesses. Dr. Kumar has managed the business of medicine with compassion and concern for the patients.

The 2nd business founded & developed by Dr. Kumar is Nashville Surgical Instruments,
located in Robertson County. This company sells four surgical instruments invented and patented by Dr. Kumar. These instruments are used in gallbladder and hernia surgery. These are sold in all 50 states, Canada and other countries. More information is at

Development and management of these businesses has taught me a great deal
about our economy and the secrets of success in business.
These same principles
should be used in the business of government," Dr. Kumar has said.
